Saturday, October 8, 2011

My 75 for a Great Life !!!

 1) Smile , it makes a difference
 2) Discuss ideas, not people
 3) Get super-fit, health is wealth
 4) Listen more
 5) Have 3 great friends
 6) Call an old friend
 7) Be honest
 8) Travel more
 9)  Believe this world is a jungle and you are an explorer
10) Read books
11) Dream, Dream and Dream
12) Be a part of the solution
13) Hi5! a stranger
14) Be a hero to someone
15) Have someone as your hero
16) Own your possessions and not the other way around
17) Climb a mountain
18) Walk in the woods
19) Eat less, sleep well and drink plenty water
20) Volunteer for a good cause
21) Write thankyou letters
22) Limits are where we set them, strech !!!
23) Help at least one person everyday
24) Write poems
25) Spend at least 1 year of your life in a developing country
26) Be passionate
27) Listen to your critics
28) Put 'Mind over Matters' and 'Humility over Ambition'
29) Strive for excellence, say no to mediocrity
30) Remember people’s names
31) Know Your Strengths
32) Be humble
33) Spend time in art museums
34) Tip waiters well
35) Praise others
36) Cook someone else a great meal !!
37) Fall in love once
38) Call your parents at least once a week
39) Learn how to say “No Thanks”
40) Dance
41) Clean your house
42) Get completely drenched in the rain
43) Listen to Steve Job’s Speech on Youtube !
44) Run behind excellence, not money
45) Share your dreams
46) Keep promises
47) Words can make or mar- Use them wisely !
48) Make a things to do list
49) Know your weaknesses
50) Innovate
51) Be a good leader and a great teammate
52) Take one deep breath everyday
53) ‘Laugh’ till it hurts
54) Tell a secret
55) Paint a wall
56) Take a risk
57) Try something that scares you
58) Challenge conventionalism
59) Clean up your mess
60) Watch theatres
61) Eat less junk
62) Learn to accept mistakes
63) Start your own business
64) Learn a new language
65) Wake up early
66) Donate your old clothes
67) Work Hard
68) Find reasons to love your life
69) Take pictures
70) Plant a tree
71) Move to another country
72) Trust your guts
73) Tell someone a joke
74) Create a scene
75) LIVE TODAY !!!!!

Abhishek Anchliya

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